5 Tips for Writing a Maid of Honor Speech

5 Tips for Writing a Maid of Honor Speech

One of your very best friends is getting married, and she has asked you to be her maid of honor. There’s so much fun and excitement that comes along with being a maid of honor, but something they often overwhelm themselves with is writing their speech.

Writing a maid of honor speech doesn’t have to be difficult, and that’s why we’re offering you 5 tips for writing a maid of honor speech so you can feel confident when you stand up to give it on your bestie’s big day! Take a break from ordering a new helmet from Get Lowered Cycles, and let’s jump right in.

1. Create an Entertaining Story

First things first, you want your maid of honor speech to tell a meaningful and entertaining story. Spend some time brainstorming what this will look like for you. It can revolve around a time when you talked with the bride about her soon-to-be husband or wife, or it can be a memory the two of you shared in childhood that relates to her marriage. It’s important to keep in mind you want your story to be short and sweet but also one that packs a lot of meaning and love with it.

2. Avoid Conversations About Exes or Embarrassing Events

You most likely have a ton of funny stories about your best friend, but you want to be careful about what you include in your maid of honor speech. An absolute no-no is any mention of an ex or sharing an embarrassing event. While a little humor sprinkled in is perfectly acceptable, be sure you don’t cross the line.

3. Don’t Make the Speech About You

It’s completely normal to include memories about you and your best friend during your maid of honor speech, but you want to keep in mind this speech isn’t about you. Be sure to highlight your best friend and her soon-to-be spouse with keeping your role in the speech to a minimum. After all, it’s her big day!

4. Practice Makes Perfect

You’ll want to practice your maid of honor speech well ahead of the wedding day. This is particularly true if you aren’t used to public speaking. While you may feel confident and proud of your speech, it’ll be different once you get up in front of a crowd to give it. Aim to practice your speech at least 5 to 6 times before the big day. It’s even better if you can practice it in front of others to get their feedback.

5. End with Your Wish for the Couple

The last thing you want to keep in mind is to include a wish for the couple at the end of your speech. This is where you convey what you want for the couple and offer your support to help them get there. This is one of the most important elements of the maid of honor speech, so you want to make sure you don’t forget this part.

Good luck, and cheers to the soon-to-be-married couple!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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