We joined up with a few of the best wedding organizers in the country to compile a list of the most critical considerations to consider while choosing a wedding location. Whether you’re planning a traditional, boho, or rustic wedding, these factors will determine whether or not a venue is a good fit for you.
Before embarking on any trips, you should use these questions as a guide to constructing your queries. There is nothing more important than ensuring your chosen location meets all of your needs.
It must also be within your financial means. While not all of those features are geared at helping you save money, you’ll discover that many of them are. As a result, you should pay attention to facility package kinds (is this vendor going to supply space, food, and drink?), as well as the facility’s total capacity. The remainder of your questions about your wedding location will be answered in the following paragraphs.
1. Maintain a Financial Plan
According to Kline-Weichelt, “it’s more than simply how much renting the space will cost.” This is because sites in catering (like hotels) charge a price-per-plate for food and beverages.” You will have to consider how much the beverages you choose, like Maddalena Riesling, will raise the price.
You will also need to figure out the food you would serve at your reception. Planning ahead can save you money.
Know how much money you have to work with, as well as an estimate of how much it will cost to put your plan into action. If the cost of renting the space is too high, you’ll either have to cut back your layout or hunt for a less expensive location.
Olsen, a newcomer, joins the ranks “Spend more money on vendors that are more important to you by dividing your entire budget into several categories. With a dozen additional people to employ, staying within your budget is an uphill struggle if you choose the location first and then discover it costs more than you expected.”
2. Consult a Planner
Before you even think about looking for a place to have your wedding, Alliey Kline-Weichelt, lead architect and founder of Sash & Bow in Green Bay, Wisconsin, states, “Planners are considerably more familiar with a space’s possibilities and the layout. Your planner will be aware of any particular features of the venue that might complicate the execution of your idea.”
3. Location
This is probably something you’ve already thought about. An ideal location for a local event is close to the homes and workplaces of most attendees. Venues near the airport or hotels are suitable if many attendees come from out of town. Whichever option you choose, keep in mind the impact on traffic, transportation, and parking.
Provide your attendees with an occasion app, which is a common practice these days, to reduce their likelihood of being late. Attendees will feel more at ease and prepared for the event if they have access to maps, driving guidance, and car park information before they arrive.
Maps with pinpointed locations are handy if the venue is located at a big university or institute. Interactive indoor maps are helpful for events that include exhibitions, advertisements, or parallel sessions, as they make it easier for attendees to find their way around.
4. Layout
No matter how early in the planning process you decide to choose your location, having a basic notion of your team and attendees’ activities, facilities, and requirements is still a good idea.
A detailed floor plan and a walk-through of each venue can help you narrow down the options, allowing you to see where the outlets are and what AV equipment is or can be installed.
Several parts of your event will be influenced significantly by the layout and floor plan. Consider the flow of visitors during your event. A distinct type of flow will be required for each occurrence. What regions are expected to be the busiest during the event? Registration? What about the entrances to the auditorium? Think about where you want to hold the event, and bear in mind that the tables and decorations you choose will significantly impact this.
5. Accessibility and Ambiance
The venue’s current décor should be taken into consideration. In what architectural style is the building, and what is conveyed by its interior? When hosting a gala, you’ll need a different type of location than you would for an expo, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. To compensate for the lack of appropriate ambiance (e.g., posh, high-tech), you’ll need to do more decorating than usual.
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