This could make you laugh but yes this is something that all would-be brides must know about. What if just in the middle of wedding celebrations you feel the urge to pee? A wedding dress is not a kind of dress that you can handle with so much ease. These tips will tell you about the methodology of accomplishing this messy task. Know how you actually pee with your wedding dress on!
1. When you have reached the wedding venue wearing that beautiful dress of yours; and if you need to go take a pee then you will obviously look for a ladies room. But, before getting into the ladies room in quite a hurry ensure that the floor is all clean and dry. If it is not then call the cleaning staff to get it tidy or else you will get your wedding dress spoiled and stained.
2. Go for the handicapped stall in the ladies room. That will be the best place for a bride in her wedding dress to pee. Yet again, first assure the dryness of the handicapped stall.
3. Now face towards the toilet and hold your dress towards your waist with your hands.
4. Once you have held your wedding dress, sit down on the toilet. By sitting in this manner you actually prevent the train of your wedding dress from getting wet or stained.
5. Incline in the forward direction as you urinate. This will prevent the front side of your wedding gown or dress from getting stained or wet.
6. If you are wearing a hoop skirt then take it as a necessary point to hold all the hoops together at once. Swing them towards to the back.
7. After you are done peeing, just drop the hoops and give a just get everything right.
8. Never panic as that will take off your attention away from your wedding dress just to later upon finding that you have messed up it all.
Via: projectwedding