My query is regarding an appropriate hairstyle for my wedding. My wedding is going to be a vintage wedding theme, and I have bought a magenta colored strapless wedding gown considering the theme of my wedding. However, my hair is short and they are just 2 inches past my chin. My mom advised me to wear a wig, but I can’t seem to trust a hair wig presently. One of my friend’s hair wig actually fell off her head at the dance party following her wedding ceremony, and it was really embarrassing for her. I don’t want any faux pas in my case, and therefore I want to play safe, and get some expert’s advice regarding an appropriate vintage wedding hairstyle for me. I am 26 years old, with a medium built. I have round face with a short forehead and prominent cheekbones. I have warm skin tone, and I am wearing a veil as well. Can you please advice of something elegant for my wedding hairstyle? Thanks.