Wedding Gifts

Would you like to share some ideas for favors for wedding??

I want to make my wedding event a happening event by creating as unique as I can personalized favors of wedding. I want to give them wonderful palette of colors which can make them perfect for any event. I want to have some more ideas from others on its s

How much should I spend on wedding favor gifts?

My friend told me that it is a rule that one should spend at least 3% of the total budget of the wedding on wedding favor gifts. I am low on cash and I think I would not be able to spend this much amount on the favor gifts. Do you think it will look bad i

Can anyone one help me for my destination wedding favor?

My fiancé is in Coast Guard. Since he loves his job and I am one of those sentimental types, we booked our reception at a place by the ocean and we are having destination theme wedding. I would like our favors to have something to do with an ocean them

Want to know some more ideas on personalized wedding favor?

I want to make my wedding a happening event by creating a unique and personalized wedding favor. I want to give them wonderful palette of colors which can make them perfect for any event. I want to have some more ideas from others on its style and creativ

Where to put the place cards for wedding?

I want to know which is the best place to put the place cards. Which design you think is in trend for the place cards? I was thinking to make the place cards and name holder cards in one as it will be difficult to put both the cards on the table. What do

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