Many couples do not realize that the money that they spend on their wedding day might later be a cause of tussle between them. It is better to plan it out how much you are going to spend for that special occasion.
Always finalize your wedding budget together. It might so happen that in the excitement of getting married you might ultimately end up spending more.
– The most important thing is to discuss who is going to pay for what. Will your parents be providing you with some cash as well? If not, then get ready to spend $26,800, which is the standard cost that every couple need to bear these days for their wedding expenses.
– The reception being the most costly of all things, always chart out how much you will have to pay for each service that you have called for.
– To cut down the cost for the wedding organizer you can always ask your parents to step in. Avoid hiring a limousine, ask your stinking rich relatives to drop you at the wedding venue.
These are the small things that you will have to take care of, if you do not want to be caught knee-deep in debt.