Wedding colors

Weddings are the ultimate occasions to flaunt what you have best. This is not a regional phenomena, this as an aspect of the human psyche, it is something that occurs the whole wide world over. In such a case, there is no dearth of showoffs when it comes to weddings. However, extravagance is a spoilsport, not for nothing is it said. Limitations in consideration, it is always necessary to weigh the result, when you decide to flaunt yourself in front of the whole world. After all, not everyone can be a Lady Gaga and carry off anything, so it is your responsibility to control the final outcome.


The first thing to take note of is not to use too bright a color, especially at a wedding. Unless it is a theme wedding, where you are expected to shine out to the heaven’s for all it’s worth, do not take this step. It is seriously out of line with the spirit of the occasion, no matter how much it may be an event where you can, without any guilt conscience, flaunt. Therefore, no bold colors that stand out like a cat among a horde of dogs. Use soft shades of green and blue to get into the mood.

White Wedding Dress

This is of course a comment on every color that is present at a wedding. Being specific now, it is time to turn to the bride. The bride should not overdo thing, as she is very likely to do on the date of her wedding. This is to say that she is to avoid overdressing. Moderation is the name of the game. Moreover, colors are absolutely out of question at a wedding, this is the day of the immaculate white. The bride should just flaunt her crystal clear white, and nothing else.

When it comes to the decor, abstain from using trendy colors, be they anything. This is of course not about the decor at the wedding venue, but the new house. A house is forever but trends are not.


Men at a wedding have, stereotypically just one color o use, which is black. However, that is a color par excellence, so why change when you already have the best??

Couples can use the gold color and golden touches all across the wedding venue. After all, gold is something that just adds that much needed touch of glamour and glitz. Therefore, splash about to your heart’s content. Combine it with contrary shades and you have a winner. However, as first notified, moderation is the key.

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