Which colors could be integrated with dark green and white colors to decorate for a rustic yet elegant wedding?

My fiancé and I are getting married after 3 months, and since there are a lot of guests, due to the huge families on both the sides, we opted for a barn. The place is actually a well-maintained gardening space, and the area is quite good of about 1200sq feet, which is simply great as the venue for our wedding. However, since my fiancée and I are both adventure freaks, we were planning our wedding to be rustic themed. I like dark green and white colors, and would like to use them for wedding, but in spite, of everything, I want the rustic wedding to be an elegant one, and not just something confined to a backyard wedding as such! Can some professional wedding planner please assist me with some ideas that could be incorporated with my favorite colors to create a magnificent ambience for our wedding? Please advice!

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