Some chronological truths about bridal shower


Bridal shower is all about fun and enjoyment. But do you know where the bridal shower originated? The first bridal shower has its root deep in Holland.

A Dutch girl was in love with a kind hearted and helpful but poor miller. The young damsel’s father was very much against the marriage. But despite her father’s strong disapproval she married the miller but didn’t even have the basic things to sustain them. The community moved by their woes gathered together and gave them a shower that provided them with all the necessities that they wanted. And in the course of time it got the name of bridal shower.

Bridal showers today are more female oriented. But couple showers have also become a widely practiced event. As the groom doesn’t want to miss any of the festive gatherings the event has become all the more interesting and fun filled. The showers are often held at the couples favorite restaurants and hang-outs. As many guests are involved in the shower game.

Bridal shower games are fast gaining popularity. There are a number of Wedalert

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