How to preserve the top wedding cake tier

Wedding cake top tier

A wedding cake is the most beautiful part of the wedding ceremony, after ofcourse the bride entering and showing of her gorgeous wedding gown. It is a moment which every guest awaits. The wedding cake would be one of the moments which the bride and groom would like to preserve. Luckily there are many ways to preserve the top tier of the wedding cake which is the most beautifully done up tier. Apart from many other moments of the wedding the tiers are something which should be captured. Read on to know how to go about doing such a task. You would be surprised to know that the cake can be preserved till your anniversary and without a hint of rottening and tasting bad.


Moderately Easy

Time Taken

60 minutes

Material required

1. Quality plastic bag,

2. A freezer for storing

3. A ribbon for marking.


Step 1

Make sure your caterer is well informed about saving the top tier of the cake. In order to keep it in perfect shape and untouched by the excited guests, he will have to make special arrangements.

Step 2

The next step is to remove the sugar flowers from the tier, if any. Since it is not possible to store them for such a long time, it is best to have them removed.

Step 3

Ensure that you freeze the cake well, so that it is hard enough to not stick to the plastic wrapper. No mess will hence be created.

Step 4

Seal the cake in an air tight bag. Moisture and air can reduce the longevity of the saved cake. For packing, use a plastic wrap over an aluminum wrap.

Step 5

Once you are done with the packing, the next step is to mark the cake. This should be done so that it does not get eaten or opened by mistake.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What is the alternative, if I can’t save the cake?

A. The only alternative is to order another cake later that is a replica of your wedding cake.

Quick tips

Chocolate, hazelnut and almond cakes have a comparatively long shelf life.

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