Unique Scroll wedding invitations to beautify your wedding!

Wedding invitations are a major part of weddings, it is the first piece of decoration that the guests see and have to be intrigued by it to want to come to your wedding. Scroll wedding invitations are unique in their own ways and they are extraordinary to look at. Scrolls have been famous for centuries and who does not like to look at them and know what is inside. Even the simplest of scroll wedding invitations can be beautified by and exterior or interior design. Read on to view some of the most stunning wedding invitations as scrolls and how you could have your wedding invitation to get your guests flowing into your wedding ceremony.

Metal encased wedding scroll:

This royal looking wedding scroll is sure to catch the eyes of your wedding guests. It has a very regal touch to it and this scroll can have your guests gawking and eagerly waiting for your wedding to arrive as they would want to know what is in store for them. This golden metal stroll case comes in silver too and has very intricate designing on it. It is elegant and neat and the case could be kept as a memoire by the gusts, surely because they would fall in love with it. You can engrave your fiancés initials along with yours on the metal casing.

Rose pink and white blended scroll with a feather and crystal brooch:

This beautiful scroll wedding invitation is made from a glossy white scroll which is then covered on one end with the soft metallic rose pink paper and the other side is given a more deluxe appearance using fine handmade recycled cotton paper with an embossed Tuscany white pearl. The brooch has a pearl which is encircled in crystal and has a single feather attached to it. This brooch is attached to a string which after untying opens up your scroll. The pearl is what will attract the guests and will give your guests an idea of the wedding theme, especially if it has a princess theme to it.

Exquisite black and gold velvet scroll:

Owning a gorgeous black and gold combination scroll with the entire invitation printed on velvet is an idea you cannot miss. Velvet itself gives out an aristocratic feel and the black and gold blend in well. You would have your wedding remembered by the class and the regal status your scroll provides. This scroll might appear very plain and simple but it is the color and the material chosen which keeps your guests wanting more.The entire scroll is black and has the information of your ceremony written in gold with an elegant singular lined gold border.

An eminent royal red silk paper scroll:

This scroll is extremely attractive and pleasing to the eyes. The royal red color is highly eye catching and will not miss the eyes of your guests once it has entered their house. This scroll comes in a beautiful arc shaped box with floral pattern printed in foil and with printing in hard cardboard paper. The mailing envelope is also in box pattern. The scroll has golden ends with a golden tassel to tie it. The cardboard box comes with an outer finish in foil printed red handmade paper with cream lining. It is made in red silk handmade paper and mailing box in red card stock paper. The scroll is stunningly attractive and one would not want to part with its gorgeousness.

A bronze colored scroll with packaging to match:

Presenting you with this cream colored velvet scroll with bronze support bars and golden-bronze combination for the tassel to give it that elegant and pleasant visual. This scroll comes with a bronze metal case, a bronze colored embossed paper for covering the container box and a bronze colored embossed texture design ground over the natural shade. It has white for the envelope. This fabulously designed scroll card is a structure that gives you a chance to express your buoyancy all over it. The scroll is in white velvet with golden bars and tassel. The scroll can be placed within a bronze metal case with attractive engraving work. This then is contained in a bronze colored box having an embossed floral base design. The bronze envelope consumes it all as a perfect invitation for all your guests.

Satin fabric red white and gold combination scroll:

This extravagant scroll comes with printing your entire wedding invitation on satin fabric which is white in color and can be customised using different colour inks, ribbons, tassels and envelopes. The edges are embellished with a graceful printed border. The design can be accustomed to your choice or can come with a stitched ribbon instead. The scroll when rolled is held together also by a ribbon with a snap button. It is quite simple to open and reclose. It is the combination of colors you choose and the satin material used in order to make this scroll which will want your guests waiting to know what is next. The envelopes are in red and gold which makes its appearance cannier.

Simple yet wonderful wedding scroll invitation:

For your rustic barn wedding you can go for this unique jute wedding scroll, which can be made by you itself. You can have these jute fabric cut outs and have the information of your big day printed on paper and then stuck onto the cut-outs. This automatically becomes your scroll and is quite decent. You can get personalised boxes made. You could tie up the scroll with personalized ribbon or a jute string if you wish too. This unique scroll can get you far and beyond your imagination in terms of decoration.

Exceptional baby pink and jute straw scroll:

This scroll has a mesmerizing beauty about it and is bound to have your guests keep it. It is in a lovely baby pink color and has got the entire scroll made in jute straw. The ends have baby pink and the scroll is tied with a combination of baby pink and white ribbon. It has a simple rose made in satin cloth in the centre with a tag in which you can write the name of your guest. It is exclusive and simple hence it is an exceptional piece and would be enjoyed amongst your guests.

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