Has your married life become boring? Let us tell you the truth this is the forte of majority of marriages after a few years. As the passion in between the marital partners gets evaporated with time life becomes a mundane routine. But we have some ideas to bring back the passion and excitement in your married life. Follow these and spice up your marriage to a different level.
Get intoxicated
Although we never ask you to become alcoholic but drink does work a lot in reviving the spark in your marriage after years. You do not have to spend a fortune in spending a smoky, passionate evening with each other by taking a sip of either your favorite drink or a cheaper substitute in its place. It is not about drinking but being intoxicated in each others passion.
Do not be friends on social networks
We bet every married couple adds his or her spouse in the friend list on the social networking sites. We do not say it is wrong but this is a bit problematic after years of marriage. After scrapping and making walls on your spouse’s site there is hardly anything more left to convey. So, reserve your stock for face to face interactions.
Use technology for conveying love
This is perhaps the most futuristic idea for the most modern couple who have become bored of their lives after marriage. Technology will be your messiah to bring back the lost passion in your marriage. It will be a great way to let your spouse feel the intense love you have for him or her. Sending a short, passionate mail or sms-ing a love note will hardly take much of your time but you can never think of the intense effect it will create in the mind your spouse.
Be loyal to sex
Whether you believe it or not but sex is a protector of your marital excitement. It helps to retain the passion and sensuality of marriage and helps it to remain ever new. So, never compromise sex life for anything. Studies show that couples who indulge in sex at least once in a week have better marital relationship even after years of marriage. So, let the fire of sexual passion be constant in your life.
Remain unattainable
Fairer sexes are always goddesses for men. The desire to win over a woman is the chief source of passion in a man-woman relationship. But after a couple of years of marriage when the female partner never remains unattainable to the male partner passion seems to creep away from the window. So an expert tip from us is that remain unattainable. An easy way to do this is to dress up sensually in bedroom to drive him crazy. But never let him pounce on you just like that. Kill time wisely to make him even crazier and behave like Marilyn Monroe in the meantime.
Pamper yourself
Most people become too negligent about themselves after a few years of marriage. It seems that the sole aim of pampering themselves before marriage was to attract the opposite sex and settle down in life. But when people do not find the woman or the man they saw in the first date their attraction gradually ceases to exist. So, a sure shot way to keep your spouse mesmerized with your spell forever is to love yourself and pamper yourself just the way you did in those pre marital phases.
Postpone arguments in the bedroom
Couples have a very erroneous habit of making the bedroom their battle ground. They reserve all the agreements and serious talks for the bedroom. You might never know, but they lose the spark in their marriage faster. Reserve your bedroom for sensuous pleasures and love. Your marriage will get back the lost spice.
Foreplay counts
As your marriage starts getting older insist upon increasing the duration of your sex life in your bedroom. Do not reach the climax fast and snooze off immediately after everything is over like a robot. Since sexual encounter has now become an everyday affair for you by now so go slow so that you enjoy it to the hilt. Insist upon more and more of foreplay in your sex life. This will retain the spice of marriage for a longer time.
Go for surprise dates
If you have tied the wedlock quite a number of years ago then it is also probable that dating is now a history for you. But we suggest just the opposite. Surprise your spouse by calling him or her up, working up a suitable time and plan for a date. While on that date leave aside all your domestic talks and parental issues. Just enjoy each others presence like the way you used to do in your courtship period. Mind it, if you have children, never take them along with you as that will never be a date.
Inculcate fun in your life
Do not behave like vegetables after years of marriage. Try to indulge in fun activities so that your marriage gets enliven once again. We suggest you to go for some couple fun; like you can go for a movie together, crack a naughty joke and laugh at it together or enjoy your favorite soap together on television. This quality time spend together will be boon to your married life.
Indulge in adult fun
Think that you have stepped into a time machine and went back to your teenage life. Now, think of the adult fun you indulged in. Yes, we suggest you to do all those once over again, but now with your spouse by your side. These means of adult fun will stimulate your senses to get intimate with each other and enjoy your moments with a brand new flavor.
Say “I love you”
Couples fail to convey their love years after marriage. Rather, they think that it is quite evident from their body language. But if you go by what we say then it is entirely a wrong concept. Saying “I love you” just the way you did on your first romantic date will work wonders for bringing back the spice in your married life.