DIY: How to make wildflower seed wedding favors

DIY wedding favors give you an opportunity to do more and something special for your guests. Making your own wedding favor is also a great idea for a budgeted wedding as homemade wedding favors are relatively less expensive than the ones you directly buy from stores. Today, we have a beautiful DIY wedding favor idea of making Wildflower Seed Favors for you. Follow the instructions and we are sure, these cute favors will make a difference in your wedding ceremony.

Wildflower seed wedding favors

Things you need

Plastic test tube and corks


Cardstock paper

California native wildflower seeds


Metal printing press letters and hemp twine


1. First of all, take test tubes and fill them with California native wildflower seeds.

Wildflower seed wedding favors

2. Now, do the decorative part first, take a large needle and punch a little hole in the card-stock so that you can run hemp twine trough it. Now, tie the card-stock it a knot.

Wildflower seed wedding favors

3. Secure the poem cards by putting the cork on to the tube and then heating the beeswax. Keep on dipping each crock and then cool them off slightly.

4. You can also use metal printing press letters to stamp the tops.

Wildflower seed wedding favors

5. You can write any poem or your favorite song or any memorable incident related to the couple on the card-stock.

Source: ruffledblog

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