Fun wedding centerpiece ideas

Expensive floral arrangement ideas are getting obsolete day by day and many people are breaking this tradition by celebrating their wedding in a fun way. The best way to calibrate your wedding in a fun way is by adorning your guests with centerpieces that are entertaining and inexpensive. Funny and humorous centerpieces are often great for starting the conversation with your guests. You have various options about centerpieces and in a way you can also make a mark in your wedding ceremony. We are sharing some ideas that you can consider for your day.

Wedding centerpiece

1. Games are the best way to entertain guests so, include some simple games for their enjoyment. Fill a decorated container with simple games for the guests.

2. Take large ball and decorate it properly with ribbons and silk flowers matching to the color of the theme and set it on fluffy pile of tulle fabric. You can include various card games like Uno, playing cards and Go fish. These kinds of games are really famous for parties and functions and are enjoyed by people.

3. Various hand held video games, peg-board games and pick up sticks are another best idea that can keep them busy and entertained.

4. Place a note pad on each table, so that guests can note down their scores and allow them to play games till the dinner is ready.

5. Old-fashioned candies also work great as wedding centerpieces so, get some candy vessels of different size and fill them with chocolates or any other treats. Pixy stix, stycik candy and rock cadies can also be filled into these vessels.

6. You can also place some butterscotch, peppermints and wintergreen mints on the table. These items are best when as while playing games guests can even have snacks.

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