Simplest DIY: Clothespin wedding cake toppers

It is always wise to have a wedding budget before planning anything your wedding related thing. In addition to this, If you are also a feeling the economic squeeze or you are planning your wedding that goes with then nature, then you are on a right page as here have an amazingly creative but simplest DIY of making an adorable clothespin wedding cake topper for you. A very less time consuming and really easy to make, your guests are always going to remember this special treat.

Clothespin wedding cake toppers

Things you need

Clothespin wedding cake toppers




Tulle for veil and

A glue gun

Acrylic Paints


1. First of all, let’s do a little painting on pins so, take a clothespin and draw in the outline of tuxedo, bow tie and bridal dress like shown in the picture. Try to keep the painting simple but a rosy cheeks and pearls drawing on bride’s side will look beautiful.

Clothespin wedding cake toppers

2. Now paint in the lines of the pins and go wild with your creativity and draw free something if think will increase the beauty of the topper.

Clothespin wedding cake toppers

3. You can also use glue gun add lace to the bride and the world’s cutest and simplest wedding cake topper is ready for you. Get a cake and place it on the top of it. Enjoy!

Clothespin wedding cake toppers

Via: inhabitat

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