Flower girls are cute additions to any wedding. Usually the age of the flower girl lies in between 4 and 8 years. The girls who are given the chance to play the part of the flower girls are generally related to the bride or the groom. They escort the bride with her bridesmaids, carrying the baskets of flowers and flower petals. As the beautiful bride walks down the aisle, the flower girls have to scatter the flowers to the aisle. For such little girls it can become a great responsibility and therefore you need to prepare them well in advance for their cute role at your wedding. Here are few tips for managing the flower girls at the wedding of yours.
1. Talk to the little girl child/children in advance and do not just burden her with the flower girl responsibility. If she happily accepts partaking, only then you designate her with the task at your wedding.
2. Tell them patiently about the part they have to play at your wedding. Try having a wedding rehearsal and make them know that they are very important group to you.
3. Do not get on your nerves and scold the flower girls in any case. They are of little age and if you do so, you will spoil their mood and maybe start crying. You would never desire to hurt the little cute hearts.
4. Bring in the parents of all the flower girls in. Make them sit in theirs visible vicinity.
5. If the parents of the flower girls wishes to decide the dresses for them then let them decide upon that. But do mention to them the stores that you think would be good enough to buy the flower girl dresses. Also let them know the kind of wedding gown you will be wearing at your wedding.
6. If the pageboys are also a part of your wedding then let them walk along the flower girls. This will boost up the confidence of the flower girls.
7. If the flower girl is lost and is not able to scatter the petals alongside the aisle then just give her a teddy bear or a doll that she would like to carry while she walks down the wedding aisle.
8. A comparatively older flower girl, who is in the age group of 8 or something, can be given the responsibility of all other flower girls. But also assign someone mature to handle to their needs.
via: asuses