Wedding DIY: How to make silk flower crown for bride

Floral crown is a special accessory for brides for a traditional or an outdoor wedding. You can make them as stylish or as casual as you desire and can be made from natural as well as silk flowers. Though, you might lose big bucks, if you go buying from the market but you can also make it yourself at home and it will give you full creative reign. Silk flower crowns are permanent so that you can save your wedding memory for a long time. Here’s a DIY to make silk flower crowns for your wedding. Read on…

Silk flower crown for bride

Things you need

Silk flowers

Green floral wire

Floral wire in brown

Scissor (wire cutting) and normal scissor

Felt squares

Tacky glue


  1. Start with making a loop of the thinker wire. Decide how much low you would like it to fall on your head and then twist the ends.
  2. Now take fabric flowers and order them in particular way you want.
  3. Silk flowers you will buy from the market usually have long stems, cut them using the scissors so that you can easily attach them to the wire.
  4. Take the felt square and cut some small circles. Cut at least ten circles if you have five flowers attach to the crown. Make sure the size of the circle is not bigger than the petals of fabric flowers.
  5. Take glue and attach these felt circles to the petals like shown in the pictures above. After sticking every felt circle to all the petals, take some time to let it dry and then do the same by gluing the second circle so as to prevent the flowers from moving around.
  6. Now, give a whimsy look to the crown by attaching smaller flowers around the wire crown with small wire. While, numbers of smaller flowers will depend on your choice.

Source: greenweddingshoes

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