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Global community of social leaders and writers is a social network initiative by Dr Prem |, the social community platform allows writers and experts to share their opinion with the world. Join us at

Exclusive Sarah Sheridan magical creations

You will find all that you have always desired in Sarah’s original collection. Ranging from gold collection to casual fantasies, it’s tailored made just for you. Her hottest stuff is the organic and contemporary designs. Known generally as ‘ampersand’,…

Beaded Chandelier by Lee angel

With today’s designer wear going great guns, you have no dearth for choice in wedding jewelry range. Wedding no longer needs to be a hectic preparation. Everything can be done in a very orderly way. Here are some of the few things that you will love to…

Marriages are made in heaven but…

We are born with the belief that marriages are made in the heaven, but unfortunately in contrast to that, we don’t even have the slightest feel of what marriages are all about. What a paradox!! There’s so much hue and cry all around that we should be…

Customized cakes take over the wedding cake market

A cursory inquest into the wedding cake markets reveal that with changing time, our wedding cake has also undergone a through dissection. People no longer want the same ordinary monotonous cakes. The market has learned to produce customized stuff to…

Diamond- a friend for life-time

Every single woman in this world loves diamond. I am no exception to this rule. We want to look as stunning as any Hollywood beauty or a sexy pageant queen.

Nemesis Jewelry is a known brand to all, which has an exclusive range of mesmerizing bridal…

A heart-warming wedding ceremony of a gay couple

Musosf and Rich had been in love for long 15 years and finally they tied their knot in a warm and loving ceremony away from the prying eyes that never respected their feelings.

Frankly guys, what the hell gonna be wrong? If these guys wanna live their…

‘Home’ Hero Michael Buble dumps his knot

Latest bang movie Home’s hero, Michael Buble has called quits to his engagement to his lover and Ballet dancer Debbie Timuss of seven years. He had dedicated his movie Home to his fiancee but unfortunately things dinna work out for the poor…

Sexy Fiona Princess of Swarovski walks down the aisle

Both glitterati and literati witnessed the dazzling marriage ceremony of two power persona of the world-Swarovski heiress Fiona and Austrian finance minister Karl-Heinz Grasser on the 22nd October in Weissenkirchen.

12,000 rose petals showered right…

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